Frequently Asked Questions

How does Acupuncture work?

Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body to encourage the restoration and maintenance of health and balance. Chinese Medical Theory is based on harmonizing the flow of Qi (pronounced ‘Ch-ee’), the vital life force that circulates throughout the body. Qi is our innate physical, mental and spiritual intelligence. When Qi circulation is disrupted or blocked, acute or chronic illness, disease, or deterioration of health ensue. When Qi moves freely, vitality, balanced health, and wellbeing prosper and the onset of illness can be avoided.

Is Acupuncture

Administered by a nationally and state licensed acupuncturist like Niki, this is a safe and effective healing modality with very few side effects. The needles, which are very thin, sterile, singleuse, and disposable, do penetrate the skin, and therefore occasionally there will be some bleeding, soreness, or bruising at the insertion site.

Does Acupuncture hurt?

Most acupuncture patients are surprised to discover that treatments involve little or no pain. The sensation of the needles can vary. Most people report sensations of tingling, numbness, aching or warmth at the insertion site. You may feel a flow of energy to an another area of the body. Acupuncture allows you to experience your body in a deep and meaningful way.

What is Qi?

Qi (Ch’ee) is the activating and circulating life force. Chinese Medicine diagnoses and treats an individuals Qi to promote balance, harmony and healing. Much can be said about Qi. A good beginning can be found at

What does Acupuncture treat?

A broad spectrum of conditions are treated. Acupuncture has been shown to regulate and maintain the body’s normal physiological function, facilitate the body’s adaptability to changes in environment, strengthen the body’s immune system, alleviate pain, and reduce the frequency and severity of conditions that contribute to stress. While acupuncture is often associated with pain control, in the hands of a well-trained practitioner like Niki, it has much broader applications. More information at World Health Organization.

Acupuncture can treat issues relating to:

General Health
Circulatory System
Digestive System

Mental Illness
Emotional Imbalance
Musculoskeletal System

Skin Conditions
Respiratory System
Urinary Tract System

Women’s Health
Head, Ears & Eyes
Nose & Throat

What can I expect during an appointment?

In Classical Acupuncture it is important to have a well-informed understanding of who you are as a patient, and thus the first visit includes a health history intake process, consultation and treatment. This takes about 1 hour 15 minutes. Return treatments are 1 hour. The needles stay in for 30 minutes and the treatment may include other modalities such as Moxabustion, Cupping or Guasha. After the treatment you may feel energized or have a feeling of deep relaxation and calm.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments vary for individuals based on an assessment of current health status and treatment goals. The course of treatment is a collaboration between patient and practitioner to determine the best course of action for a patient’s desired outcomes. Classical Acupuncture focuses on treating the individual and their unique physical and energetic design.

Does insurance cover Acupuncture?

Some insurers cover acupuncture. You can usually find out by calling the number on your insurance card. Upon request, I can provide a receipt that provides the information you need to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

Can I receive Acupuncture treatments & Western/Allopathic medical strategies simultaneously?

Today, Acupuncture is highly regarded around the world as an effective complimentary medicine with Western medical strategies. Share with your provider that you are receiving Acupuncture treatments. Talking to your doctor about Acupuncture includes them in this important facet of your complete healthcare plan and goals. Remember to always consult with your doctor when considering a change in your medications.

Healing reactions to Acupuncture

Healing reactions are very helpful signs that the treatment is working. The healing reaction is very natural and unique for each individual. Most people are pleased with the results of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and respond with some of the following:

• Better Sleep • More Energy • Mental Clarity • Reduced Anxiety and Stress • Better Digestion • Pain Reduction • Changes in Menstruation • Positive Outlook on Life

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2904 Hillsborough Rd
Durham 27705

Copyright © 2025 Dancing Qi Acupunture

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